Sunday September 15, 2024

State Profile

  • The agricultural and allied sector contributed to 24.61% of State’s total GSDP in 2017-18 and is well above the national average of 14.82%. Animal Husbandry Sector contributes 8.74% to GSDP attributing more than 1/3rd share in Agri sector GSDP.
  • Rajasthan, with its diverse agro-climatic conditions, is richly endowed in the cultivation of a variety of crops and a strong animal husbandry sector.
  • Rajasthan State occupies 1stposition in production of mustard, guar, 2ndposition in gram, cumin seeds and all other coarse cereals, 3rd position in soybean, pulses and oilseeds.  Similarly, in case of horticultural crops, state holds 1stposition in production of carom-seeds, coriander, fenugreek, henna and isabgol, 2ndin vegetables, 4thin garlic, 6thin oranges, 8thin pomegranate.
  • As per the livestock census of 2012, there are 577.32 lakhs animals and over 802.4 lakhs poultry in the State. Rajasthan has 11.26% of the country’s livestock population and contributes about 12.93% of the total milk production and 32.89% wool produced in the country. Rajasthan is first in wool production while second in milk production.
  • Rajasthan has freshwater as well as saline water resources. It has about 4.23 lakh hectares freshwater area besides 80lakhhectares area as rivers and canals, 80 thousand hectares waterlogged, and 180 thousand hectares salt affected areas at full tank level.
  • High-tech infrastructural adoption in protected cultivation is paving way for cluster-based demand-oriented production planning. The area under green houses and shade net houses is 44.9 lakh sqm and 6.76 lakh sqm respectively.
  • Rajasthan is one of the largest states in India partaking in organic farming, with over 81,000 hectares of registered organic farm area.

Rajasthan - Key Highlights

S.No. Particulars other
1 State Capital Jaipur
2 Geographical Area 3.42 Lakh sq. km
3 Population (Census 2011) 68 million
4 Gross Cropped Area (‘000 Ha) (2017-18) 26.12
5 Sown Area (‘000 Ha) (2017-18) 18.27
6 GrossStateDomestic Product(GSDP) Rs. 9,29,124 crores (USD 132.73 billion in 2018-19    Growth over previous year 11.20%.
7 Per Capita Income Measured at Current Prices Rs.1,09,105 (USD 1558.64)
8 Total Road Length (kms) 2,36,572 Km with a density of 69.12 km per 100 sq. km
9 Rail Length (route kms) 5,893 km i.e., 8.66 of all India route lengths
10 Contribution of Agricultural and Allied Sectors in Total GSDP 24.71 %
11 Cumulative Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI) Worth
USD 1.28 bn across various sectors over the past decade (2005-15)
12 GSDP at Current Prices CAGR of 8% between 2010-15, which is over 1.2x times of India’s GDP growth in the same period
13 Per capita Income Rs33,186 in FY15 (CAGR of 6.5% for the period of 2010-15)
14 Cultivable Land Million hectares - 14% of India’s total Cultivable Land
PMFME Highlights