Tuesday September 03, 2024

PM FME Scheme

Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), in partnership with the States, has launched an all India centrally sponsored "PM Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (PM FME Scheme)" for providing financial, technical and business support for up gradation of existing micro food processing enterprises. The objectives of the scheme are:

  • Support for capital investment for up gradation and formalization with registration for GST, FSSAI hygiene standards and Udyog Adhar
  • Capacity building through skill training, imparting technical knowledge on food safety, standards & hygiene and 1quality improvement;
  • Hand holding support for preparation of DPR, availing bank loan and up gradation;
Support to Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), Self Help Groups (SHGs), producers’ cooperatives for capital investment, common infrastructure and support branding and marketing


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One District One Product (ODOP)

One District One Product

The Scheme adopts One District One Product (ODOP) approach to reap the benefit of scale in terms of procurement of inputs, availing ommon services and marketing of products. ODOP for the scheme will provide the framework for value chain development and alignment of support nfrastructure. There may be more than one cluster of ODOP product in one district. There may be cluster of ODOPproduct consisting of more than one adjacent district in a State.

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Programme Components

The programme has four broad components addressing the needs of the sector:

  1. Support to individual and groups of micro enterprises
  2. Branding and Marketing support
  3. Support for strengthening of institutions
  4. Setting up robust project management framework
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Programme Components
PMFME Highlights